Thirty-Three Days in the Wilderness – Day 33

We are up early and settle the bill at reception. I take a free newspaper from reception for John and we await the coach and laundry van.

We think we will be at the airport early but somehow the coach goes everywhere and there is very little time when we get there. We queue to book in for our flight.

Lots of our fellow passengers are returning with electrical goods. One Singapore Airlines lady is employed solely to look after the large cardboard cartons. Maureen and I wonder why we were worried about our luggage being overweight when we see computers, stereo systems, televisions, cameras and keyboards in all shapes and sizes being loaded on special carriers to be taken aboard the plane.

We shoot through duty free and then head straight to the smoking lounge we found on our last time through. There are lots of people smoking and we watch our time and then head through to our departure gate. It was Micheal’s birthday yesterday and I buy him a watch at the Disney shop on the way to the gate.

We board and again we have not got the seats we have asked for. What is the point in them asking us where we want to sit? I insist and eventually get moved to a seat by the emergency exit between two men.

An English girl living in New Zealand is returning home with her two little boys. I take the baby to let her sleep for a while. They will have travelled for twenty-six hours by the time she reaches Heathrow.

I wander around the cabin to stretch my legs and look at the Ganges and then at Afghanistan through the small windows. Our flight will be thirteen hours instead of twelve as the trouble in Kosovo means we detour over Russian air space.

We get through Immigration and customs intact at Heathrow.

I see Alan waiting as soon as I get into the airport. Julie is there, Maureen’s mother and Charlotte and Jessica.

James and Louis come running up to me.

“Did you get me a snake, Nan?” asks Louis.

“Don’t be silly. She couldn’t bring you a real snake,” says James.

“Awhh. Guess what Nan! We’ve got a surprise for you,” says Louis.

“It’s a secret!” says James.

We’re coming to Ireland. We’re coming to Ireland tonight,” whispers Louis. “But it’s a surprise and we’re not to tell you,” he adds,

I hug them both to me.

I am home.


28,893 words

(C) Carol Gilbert

February 2000

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